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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

The President will make an official visit to Mongolia on September 3

On September 3, Vladimir Putin will
pay an official visit to Mongolia, at the invitation of President of Mongolia Ukhnaagiin
Khurelsukh Khurelsukh UkhnaagiinPresident of Mongolia , to attend celebrations of the 85th anniversary of the joint victory of the Soviet and Mongolian armed forces over the Japanese
militarists on the Khalkhin Gol River.
During their talks, the two leaders will
discuss prospects for further developing Russian-Mongolian relations of comprehensive strategic partnership and will exchange views on current
international and regional issues.
A number of bilateral documents are planned
to be signed.
Vladimir Putin is also expected to hold talks with
Speaker of the State Great Khural (parliament) D.Amarbayasgalan and Mongolia’s
Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene.
